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Currently, foreigners who are not covered by the Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Citizens in Connection with the Armed Conflict in Ukraine and who belong to the category of displaced persons listed in the EU Council's Executive Decision on the Existence of a Massive Inflow of Displaced Persons from Ukraine can enjoy temporary protection in Poland. This gives them a number of rights, including the right to work and stay in Poland. Confirmation of the exercise of temporary protection is a certificate issued by the Office for Foreigners.
On January 16, a Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration amending a regulation on visas for foreigners was published in the Journal of Laws. According to the new regulation, visa stickers of foreigners who obtain visas to exercise their rights under the Pole Card will bear code "23" instead of code "18", which was previously applicable in such cases.
On 11 January, another bill was published on the Government Legislation Centre’s website. It is intended to implement Directive 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (Whistleblowing Directive).
On 1 December 2023, a regulation of the Minister of the Interior and Administration was published in the Journal of Laws extending controls on the Polish-Slovak border until at least 2 January 2024. Border controls have been regularly extended since 4 October of this year: they are the Polish authorities' response to the threat posed by illegal migration along the so-called Balkan route.
In order to obtain a work permit for an employee posted to Poland, that person's remuneration must be at least 70% of the current average monthly remuneration in the given province on the date of the application’s submission.
After suspending the possibility of applying for Polish visas for several weeks, the Polish diplomatic mission announced last week that from the beginning of December it will be possible to apply for national visas at five designated visa centres. According to the official communiqué, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland is resuming cooperation with the VFS Global visa centres. The outlets where visa applications will be available are located in Delhi, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Jaipur and Lucknow. Booking of available dates is already underway on the websites of the designated visa centres.