flash news

5 June 2024
Allowing foreigners access to the Polish job market – legislative proposal

A proposal was posted on the website of the Government Legislation Centre on 23 May, 2024, for a bill of 15 May, 2024, on allowing foreigners access to the employment market. The bill simplifies and systematises the system of employment of foreigners in Poland, and is intended to streamline the procedure for legitimising employment, and eliminate abuse by employers of employees who are not Polish nationals.

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23 May 2024
Ustawa o ochronie sygnalistów przyjęta przez Sejm

W czwartek 23 maja 2024 r. Sejm przyjął ustawę o ochronie sygnalistów implementującą do polskiego porządku prawnego dyrektywę Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2019/1937 z 23 października 2019 r. w sprawie ochrony osób zgłaszających naruszenia prawa Unii. Teraz ustawą zajmie się Senat.

Przepisy ustawy co do zasady mają wejść w życie po trzech miesiącach od jej ogłoszenia w Dzienniku Ustaw.


23 May 2024
New obligations for employers in connection with the implementation of the CSRD directive

Legislative work is underway on an amendment to the Act amending the Accounting Act, the Act on Statutory Auditors, Audit Firms and Public Supervision and Certain Other Acts.

One of the objectives of the amendment is to implement the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which will result in a new obligation for employers to report on corporate sustainability. Depending on the number of employees, employers will be required to provide information on environmental, social and human rights issues and corporate governance. Analysis of the social issues will be important from an employment law perspective.

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21 May 2024
Assumptions of draft amendments to the Labour Code - seniority

On 13 May 2024, assumptions on the draft law on amendments to the Labour Code (project number UD59) appeared on the list of legislative and program work of the Council of Ministers. The proposed changes particularly include the following counted as part of the employment period:

  • periods of work on the basis of an agency contract, contract of mandate or other contract for the provision of services to which, in accordance with the Civil Code, provisions relating to mandate apply,
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15 May 2024
Narrower scope of amendments to the Act on Foreigners

A new bill on amending the Act on Foreigners and certain other acts has appeared on the website of the Government Legislation Centre. The scope of the envisaged changes has been narrowed, focusing on regulations concerning treaty obligations resulting from Poland's membership in the European Union as well as those resulting from the case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU.

Other changes, which were included in the previous version of the draft amendment (e.g. concerning the digitization of proceedings on legalisation of residence in Poland), are to be regulated separately.

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15 May 2024
Deadline approaching for adapting workstations equipped with electronic visual displays

This Friday, 17 May 2024, the deadline will pass for adapting workstations equipped with electronic visual displays to new occupational health and safety requirements.

As a reminder, if an employee uses portable equipment (in particular a laptop), for at least half of daily working hours, the employee’s workstation must be furnished with a desktop monitor or a suitable stand and an additional keyboard and mouse.

We discuss the other key changes here

Text of the regulation: >>>