flash news: #foreigners

17 January 2024
New code in national visas will serve to protect Pole Card holders

On January 16, a Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration amending a regulation on visas for foreigners was published in the Journal of Laws. According to the new regulation, visa stickers of foreigners who obtain visas to exercise their rights under the Pole Card will bear code "23" instead of code "18", which was previously applicable in such cases.

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15 December 2023
Further extension of Polish-Slovak border controls

On 1 December 2023, a regulation of the Minister of the Interior and Administration was published in the Journal of Laws extending controls on the Polish-Slovak border until at least 2 January 2024. Border controls have been regularly extended since 4 October of this year: they are the Polish authorities' response to the threat posed by illegal migration along the so-called Balkan route.

27 November 2023
New rules for applying for visas at the Polish Embassy in New Delhi

After suspending the possibility of applying for Polish visas for several weeks, the Polish diplomatic mission announced last week that from the beginning of December it will be possible to apply for national visas at five designated visa centres. According to the official communiqué, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland is resuming cooperation with the VFS Global visa centres. The outlets where visa applications will be available are located in Delhi, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Jaipur and Lucknow. Booking of available dates is already underway on the websites of the designated visa centres.

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21 November 2023
A further extension of border controls on the border with Slovakia

Due to the serious threat of illegal immigration, on 4 October 2023 border controls were reinstated on the Polish-Slovak section of the national border. Initially, the controls were in force until 13 October 2023, but there have already been two extensions and the current is in place until 22 November 2023. On Friday 17 November 2023, the website of the Government Legislation Centre published a draft regulation of the Minister of Interior and Administration. Under it, the third extension of Polish-Slovak border controls is to apply from 23 November 2023 to 3 December 2023.

15 November 2023
Extension of temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens

13 November 2023 saw the entry into force of Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2409 extending temporary protection in the territory of the European Union for persons fleeing the war in Ukraine.

The temporary protection has been extended for another year, namely until 4 March 2025.

Currently, we are waiting for the Polish provisions of the Ukrainian Special Act (the Act on Assistance to Ukrainian Citizens in Connection with the Armed Conflict in that Country, dated 12 March 2022) to be adjusted to the decision of the EU Council.

23 October 2023
Almost one million foreign workers in Poland at the end of April constituting 6.4% of the total workforce.

A recently published report from GUS (Statistics Poland) shows that 982,200 foreigners were working in Poland on 30 April 2023, accounting for 6.4% of the total number of people working in Poland.

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