Will the company’s remuneration policy have to change?
This depends on whether the company's remuneration policy has been set right and complies with the Directive’s requirements. If not, the pay structure will need to be revised or created. This may, in turn, require changes to the remuneration of individual groups of employees.
structures that implement the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value.
Remuneration structures should group employees into categories in accordance with the value of their work. Employers should establish the value of their employees’ work (and therefore their categories) based on such objective criteria as:
- skills (including soft skills),
- effort,
- scope of responsibilities,
- working conditions.
When valuing work, it will be important to ensure that none of the criteria are based, whether directly or indirectly, on the employee’s gender.
For employers who have not previously used remuneration scales, grades, job and grading tables or pay tariffs, they may find it a major challenge to create structures of remuneration and carry out the associated categorisation of employees.
For this reason, we encourage you to start preparing well in advance for implementing the new regulations.