Magdalena Zgłobica

Magdalena Zgłobica, attorney-at-law trainee, practises employment law, particularly involving issues of cross-border hiring and mobility, as well as EU law. She is experienced in handling data protection matters. She completed the American Law Program at Jagiellonian University in conjunction with the Catholic University of America, and worked in the Human Rights Section of the Student Legal Clinic at Jagiellonian University.
provisions of Shield 4.0 are already in force as part of the draft law on
interest rate subsidies for bank loans to ensure the financial liquidity of
entrepreneurs affected by COVID-19, as well as amendments to some other acts.
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As of 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union and has since been recognised as a third country. This opened an 11-month transition period which will last until the end of 2020. This is the first case in which a country leaves the EU and has since led to many legal and practical dilemmas. As part of our #Brexit feature we present some of the main problems and explain the key issues concerning labour laws and workers' rights.
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As of 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union and has since been recognised as a third country. This opened an 11-month transition period which will last until the end of 2020. This is the first case in which a country leaves the EU and has since led to many legal and practical dilemmas. As part of our #Brexit feature we present some of the main problems and explain the key issues concerning labour laws and workers’ rights.
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The Polish so-called "anti-crisis shield" proposal assumes changes in a number of legislative acts, including the provisions governing the stay of foreigners on the territory of Poland. Among other things, these changes are necessary because of the limited activities of the authorities responsible for receiving and processing applications for residence permits as well as restrictions in cross-border traffic.
Among other changes, the proposal
assumes an amendment to the Act on Foreigners as regards the deadline for
submitting applications for residence permits.
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A draft amendment to the law on the recognition of professional qualifications acquired in the EU Member States has just been submitted to public consultation. The draft implements the EU directive on this subject (2018/958) into the Polish legal system. This directive in turn complements Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications. The deadline for implementation falls on 30th July 2020. The changes are to unify the rules and criteria for controlling access to regulated professions for people from other EU countries. For it is not clear in the Member States...
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Public consultations on the draft amendments to the Posting of Workers Act are in progress. The Act governs the conditions of employment of workers posted to the territory of the Republic of Poland by a foreign employer for the purpose of temporary provision of services. The changes are aimed at implementing in Polish law the amended EU Posting of Workers Directive (2018/957).
The amendment contains several significant changes concerning the obligations to be fulfilled by a foreign employer posting his personnel to Poland. First of all, it broadens the scope of minimum conditions of...
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