Aleksandra Wójcik

Aleksandra Wójcik, adwokat, practises individual and collective labour law, particularly involving issues of formation and dissolution of employment relationships, mobbing, discrimination, equal treatment in employment, and cross-border aspects of employment law. She advises clients on matters such as legalisation of work and stay in Poland by citizens of third countries, posting of citizens of third countries to Poland, and posting of Polish citizens abroad.
This time Magdalena Świtajska and Aleksandra Wójcik, from Wardyński & Partners’ Employment & Global Mobility Practice, explain the ways of obtaining Polish citizenship. Konrad Grotowski, host of the programme, discusses the current state of the Polish economy.
News from Poland—Business & Law is a synthesis of important current events in the Polish economy and changes to Polish law, especially those that may concern management board members and affect the risk of serving on boards.