Piotr Podsiadły

Piotr Podsiadły, an attorney-at-law trainee, handles individual and collective labour law, particularly issues involving formation and termination of employment relationships, as well as issues of mobbing, discrimination and equal treatment in employment.
The possibility of issuing medical certificates electronically in Poland arose in 2016, and since 1 December 2018 this has been the only acceptable form of issuing them (paper certificates can be issued only in certain exceptional situations). This also applies to certificates of temporary incapacity to work due to illness, i.e. sick notes. Today, almost every sick note goes directly to the employer, without the employee’s involvement. This may raise doubts whether the employee still needs to inform the employer of his or her absence from work due to sickness.
A bill entitled the Act on Specific Solutions Facilitating Business Operations During the COVID-19 Epidemic has been filed with the Sejm. It would allow employers in Poland to demand information from employees about COVID-19 test results, having undergone a COVID-19 infection, or vaccination against COVID-19.
According to the proposal, an employer would be entitled to demand information from an employee or a person in a civil-law relationship (e.g. a contractor) to the effect that the person has obtained a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours before submission of the information.